19 Jan
GSTR-3B is a monthly or quarterly self-declaration form
that is required to be filed by all registered taxpayers under the GST (Goods
and Services Tax) system in India. It is a summary return that allows taxpayers
to report their total turnover, tax liability, and GST paid for the relevant
month. The form is used as an interim return until the more detailed GSTR-1 and
GSTR-3 forms are implemented.
GSTR-3B contains two sections:
1. Section 1:
In this section, taxpayers have to provide their total turnover, GST liability,
and GST paid for the relevant month.
2. Section 2:
In this section, taxpayers have to provide details of the input tax credit
(ITC) available and the ITC claimed in the return.
The GSTR-3B form must be filed by the 20th of the
following month. Failure to file the return on time may result in penalties and
interest charges.
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to file GSTR-3B:
1. Log in to
the GST portal using your GSTIN and password.
2. Navigate to
the "Returns" section and select GSTR-3B from the list of available
3. Enter the
details of your turnover, tax liability, and GST paid during the relevant
4. Verify the
details entered and then submit the form.
5. Make any
necessary payments through the GST portal.
6. Take a
printout of the acknowledgement for future reference.
It's important to note that GSTR-3B is a monthly return
and the due date for filing the return may vary as per the government
notification, so it's advisable to check the GST portal for the due date.
In case of any errors or discrepancies, you can make
corrections in the form before submitting it. It's also recommended to keep all
relevant documentation and invoices handy while filing the return to ensure
accurate information is provided.
If a taxpayer fails to file their GSTR-3B return on time,
they may be subject to penalties and interest charges. The specific penalties
and charges will depend on the length of the delay and the GST laws in effect
at the time.
As per the current GST laws, If GSTR-3B is not filed
within the due date, a late fee will be charged at a rate of:
As per Section 47 of the CGST Act, 2017- immediately
after the due date
The late fee for GSTR-3B is Rs. 20 (CGST-Rs. 10 and
SGST-Rs. 10) in case of nil tax liability and Limited to Rs. 500. In case of
tax liability if Rs. 50 (CGST-Rs. 25 and SGST-Rs. 25) per day at different
annual gross turnover limits. Let's explain in detail below.
· For
those with zero tax liability, the late fee is Rs 20 per day and is capped at
Rs 500.
· For
those who have a tax liability with AATO (Annual Aggregate Turnover), i.e.,
annual sales up to Rs.1.5 crore, the late fee is Rs.50 per day and is limited
to Rs.2000.
· For
tax liability with AATO (Annual Aggregate Turnover), ie, annual sales of Rs.
1.5 crore to Rs. Between 5 crores, the late fee is Rs 50 per day and is limited
to Rs 5000.
· For
tax liability with AATO (Annual Aggregate Turnover) i.e. annual sales of Rs. 5
crores, the late fee is Rs.50 per day and the maximum late fee for GSTR 3B is
Rs. Limited to 10,000.
Additionally, failure to file GSTR-3B can lead to a range
of other penalties, including fines and even disqualification from GST
registration. It's recommended to file the return on time to avoid any such
Santosh Patil
Alliance Tax Experts
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