08 Apr
Is GST Law Applicable to freelancers?
Are you a freelancer? And you are confused about whether to
register for GST or not? Don't worry. We are here to help. The purpose of this
post is to clarify many questions like who should register for GST, the benefits
of GST registration and payment terms and conditions (T&C) related to
Who needs to register for GST?
GST registration can seem like a lot of work. But did you
know that this is not mandatory for everyone? Here are the conditions required
for GST registration:
Your turnover is more than Rs. 20 lakhs in a financial year. For persons
residing in Northeast India, the limit is Rs. 10 lakhs.
You receive payment for services under OIDAR (Online
Information and Database Access and Recovery). OIDAR includes Internet
advertising, cloud-based services and intangibles, such as e-books,
entertainment (music, movies, online gaming), software and any other electronic
data, such as video lessons.
Why is GST required for freelancers? What are its benefits?
As Goods and Services Tax (GST) is an indirect tax on the
supply of goods and services in India, the turnover of Indian freelancers will
also have to pay GST when it is more than Rs. 20 lakhs in a financial year.
As a freelancer, you do not get any special benefits from
registering for GST. The benefits of GST registration are the same for
everyone. Under the new GST rules, you have the option to file your tax return
online. All you have to do now is go to the GST portal, create an account, log
in and start filing your GST return. The customer or client is responsible for
the additional cost.
The main advantage is that if you register, you will be
able to claim GST credit, which can be used to balance future GST liabilities
as well as to get a GST refund (subject to certain conditions). For example, if
your firm runs ads on Google to attract new clients or customers, you will have
to pay 18% GST on the total amount.
What are the disadvantages of filing a GST return?
The only disadvantages of registering for GST are some time-consuming
activities like the GST registration process, keeping financial records,
issuing invoices and submitting returns.
Documents required for GST registration
Here are the documents you need to register for GST:
1. Your photo
2. Copy of your PAN and Aadhar card
3. Proof of identity and residency
4. Recent bank account statement or cancelled check
5. Electricity or telephone bill
6. Office Lease Agreement
7. No Objection Certificate
What happens after GST registration?
After you have submitted all the required documents and
completed all the required formalities, you need to make sure that you are
following the procedure to stay on the right side of the law.
When raising invoices, you need to add the GST amount to
the total amount billed. Thus, if your billed amount is Rs. 25,000 After adding
GST at the rate of 18% for one client,
the total amount your client has to pay is Rs. 29,500.
After collecting GST, when you file your GST return, you
need to remit the amount of GST to the government.
Payment for Freelancer T&C
Different payment terms and conditions (T&C) apply to
freelancers registered for GST.
GST rates on your services can be 0%, 5%, 12%, 18% or 28%,
depending on the type of service you provide. If there is no specific
percentage, you need to charge 18% GST from your client.
After getting your GST identification number, you will have
to file regular, monthly and annual GST. This is regardless of your current
annual turnover.
You must make all payments online. Each year, the file will
have 25 returns: three monthly filings and one annual form.
If you do not deposit the GST amount on time, you will have
to pay a penalty + interest also.
To ensure that GST is credited on time, you can issue
invoices on the 1st of next month. This will give you enough time to pay your
monthly GST bill.
After paying all applicable taxes, you are required to
submit a monthly summary return under GSTR 3B.
For many freelancers, filing GST can be a little daunting.
Hiring a Chartered Accountant (CA) or GST professional, a tax consultant with
experience working with freelancers and solopreneurs will help you ensure that
everything is in line with the latest applicable laws.
Do freelancers need to register for GST if they raise invoices?
If you are a freelancer, your clients will
expect you to create the invoice. When you submit an invoice, your client can
deduct 10% TDS from each invoice.
· If your
income is below 20 lakhs or Rs. 10 lakh (for Northeast residents), even if you
create the invoice, registration for GST is not mandatory.
However, if you are registered under GST, your
invoice should be as per GST Act.
You must include your name, address, your
GSTIN, your client's GSTIN, Service Accounting Code (SAC), date, amount and
signature on the invoice.
• Necessary GST is added to the cost of your services and your client has to pay it. Then you have to pay the same amount to the government. This is a win-win situation for everyone because when your clients collect their taxes, they can claim it as a tax credit.
If your client does not want
to pay GST, there is a high probability that they do not pay taxes or do not
want to pay you. In that case, you may choose to stay away from these
To sum it up
We have seen that GST registration for freelancers is
required in some cases. You cannot hide your income from the government. They
will find it from your client's deducted TDS or your bank payment. Since all
your accounts are linked to PAN and Aadhaar, it would be best to go for GST
registration. You can hire a Tax Consultant, GST Practitioner or CA to manage
all your GST-related tasks.
Alliance Tax Experts is a one-stop solution for GST
registration, GST Compliances and GST Returns services. Contact tax@alltaxfin.com
or 9769201316
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