01 Jun
ITR 3 - What is ITR3 Form
ITR 3 - What is ITR3 Form
Guide to understanding the ITR-3 form
What is ITR-3 Form?
ITR 3 applies to individuals and HUFs who have profits and
profits from the business or professionals. Individuals with income from the
following sources are eligible to file ITR 3:
· Business or Profession (both tax audit and non-audit
· Returns may include income from home property,
salary/pension, capital gains and income from other sources.
In the case of a taxpayer subject to a non-tax audit, the
due date for filing ITR-3 for AY 2022-23 (FY 2021-22) is 31st July 2022. The deadline for submission
of the tax audit report is 31st October 2022
The current ITR3 form will be used by an individual or a
Hindu Undivided Family who owns a business income or is running a business.
Individuals with income from the following sources are eligible to file ITR 3:
Doing business or profession
If you are a personal director in a company
If you have ever invested in unlisted equity
shares during the financial year
Reimbursement may include income from home
property, salary/pension and income from other sources.
Income of a person as a partner in the firm
Frequently Asked Questions
Q:- I am a person who has income from business and I have
chosen the option of presumptive taxation. Does ITR 3 apply to me?
A:- No, ITR3 will not apply to you if you choose to levy a presumptive
tax for business or occupation. ITR 4 will apply to you.
Q:- Does ITR-3 apply to all taxpayers with business income?
A - No, ITR-3 will apply to individuals with business and
professional income or to HUFs who are not charged under the presumptive tax.
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