16 Feb
ITR FORMS OF AY 2023 - 2024
There are no
changes in ITR-1 used by salaried persons and only a few changes in other
formats. The notified ITR forms are effective from 1st April.
The CBDT earlier
this month notified the income tax return forms for the assessment year
The Central
Board of Direct Taxes notified the income tax return forms for the assessment
year 2023-24 earlier this month. These forms are to be used for filing returns
of income earned in FY23 ending March 31.
CBDT said in a
statement, “To facilitate the taxpayers and facilitate filing, no significant
changes have been made in the ITR form as compared to last year's ITR form. "The
amendments to the Income Tax Act, 1961 have made only the minimum changes
There was no
mention of a “common ITR form” proposed by the CBDT in November to replace six
of the seven ITR forms, for which inputs were sought from stakeholders and the
general public.
practitioners and experts said that the notification of the form before the end
of FY23 will help file returns from the beginning of the AY itself.
Well in time
Intimation of
ITR in advance is indeed a healthy financial practice. It helps taxpayers to
plan ahead, without making too many changes, which is a big relief for both
taxpayers and professionals.
This year, the
government has notified ITRs much earlier than March and this will give
taxpayers enough time to prepare for the corrections.
Some changes
have been made taking into account the provisions introduced in the Finance Act
last year.
From April 1,
2022, the tax applies to profits from transactions in virtual digital assets.
Further, from July 1, transactions in assets such as cryptocurrencies and
non-fungible tokens above Rs 10,000 are subject to a 1 per cent withholding tax
These changes
have been incorporated in ITR, which has a separate VDA schedule for disclosure
of income from virtual digital assets in ITR2/ITR3/ITR5/ITR6.
As per the new
schedule, information related to VDA transactions must be filled in.
For the purpose
of determining the tax consequences, taxpayers must provide the date of
acquisition and transfer, the income under which the tax is to be levied, the
cost of acquisition, the consideration received and the income from the
transfer of the VDA.
In the case of a
gift, the amount on which tax has been paid in terms of 56(2)(x) if any, and in
any other case, the cost to the previous owner must be entered.
Those trading in
equity markets may be required to make additional disclosures.
"Now, where
share trading business is carried on, the entire trading should also be split
into intra-day trading and delivery-based trading and reported accordingly in
Tax Regime
In addition, the
form has been revised to include additional questions related to the choice of
the new tax regime.
The form requires the taxpayer to report whether the filer has opted for the new method in the last assessment year and also the assessment year he has opted for. In addition, a question has been asked whether taxpayers have opted out of the new regime in any of the previous years and whether taxpayers are expected to mention 10IE details for both opt-outs.
Santosh Patil
Alliance Tax
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