23 Oct

Received Show Cause cum Demand Notice from service tax Department

!!! Received Show Cause cum Demand Notice from service tax Department!!!


If you are connected to the world of taxation, you may know that due to discrepancies between service tax returns, income tax returns and 26AS, the Central service Tax  Department had issued innumerable service tax show cause demand notices in mid-October 2021 & you can't ignore it. You may have received 3 inquiry notices before the show cause demand notice.                                                    

Each tax officer had to issue several notices to businesses before the December 31 deadline.

Due to the limited period of notice, the authorities did have invited businesses to submit answers and discuss shortcomings. But some answered some did not. Officers are not satisfied with the answers given, so they have sent a SHOW CAUSE CUM DEMAND notice.

Instead, authorities have issued show-cause notices to all these businesses. Due to limited time, these show cause notices are basically the same except for every business figure.

The fact is that whenever something is done in a hurry, there are many mistakes in implementation which are a boon in the guise of business.

There are many errors in these notices that can be used effectively to respond to these notices and avoid problems.

If you too have received such a notice, we are equipped with 9 years of experience to handle all types of service tax notices from Alliance Tax Specialists!

Here are some of the services we can offer you to respond to this notice:

1) Service Tax Refund Review, I.T. Return, Form 26 AS review in respect of notice;

2) Reconciliation between STR and ITR / 26AS;

3) We will prepare a report in which the amount of demand is likely to be reduced as per show cause notice and all issues are likely to be resolved as per show cause notice;

4) Draft the reasons for the reply to the notice and submit it to the department

5) Sue-pressure-risk assessment to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of prosecuting your case;

6) Professional representation on your behalf before the tax authorities.


We have all the tools and experience you need to help you solve problems with suggestions.

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy


Alliance Tax Experts

T:  9769201316

E: santoshpatil@alltaxfin.com

Contact ALLIANCE TAX EXPERTS to know you can protect your business from this and all other related risks and operate Tension-Free!!!

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